Further Thoughts on Gender-Bending in Second Life

Hot Chocolate

This is my friend Liana. She’s a teacher and counselor at Emasculata Academy, Second Life’s Finishing School for Full Feminization.

Emasculata Academy (EA) describes itself this way:

Emasculata Academy is dedicated to preparing new women to take their rightful place in their workplaces, families and communities. We pursue this goal through rigorous behavioral conditioning and mental programming to establish a fully realized and fully feminine identity; integration of an outcomes-based curriculum demonstrated through personal research and presentations; active, collaborative, applied studies and immersive real life experiences–in an environment that celebrates traditional feminine values and dedication to pleasing and serving.

While this is still role-play, and not meant to have any influence on anyone’s real life, the classes and lessons are based on staff’s real-world experiences. A list of real-world gender resources will also be available in-world from Liana. IM her (LianaAlharizi) for a copy.

Or you could just as easily hop on over to her blog!
